Twas the night before school started, and all through the house.
All the kids were stirring, trying to find their new blouse.
Their backpacks were hung on their doorknobs with care,
In hopes that I'd wake up in time to do their hair.
Are you more alarmed at my cheesiness or that it's Aug 1st and I'm talking about back to school?
Well, it really is the night before school starts! True story.
So, as an attempt to start off on the right foot, I always greet the teacher with a little something.
In fact, last year's treat was my very first blog post on bee in our bonnet.
This year I put together a little first-aid kit. Teacher style.

Very simple. I got mini floss organizers at the craft store and made a little label in photoshop.

Then I filled them with Band-Aids, a hand-sanitizer, treats, and other small school stuff.
I was inspired when I was saw this big craft box with school supplies. It is stinkin' cute!

I wrapped it up with a tag. (The apple is from the "hello teacher kit" on
house of 3).
I want to be nestled, all snug in my bed,
But I'm glad I stayed up and made teacher gifts instead.
Because teachers need kuddos and treats that bring cheer,
And I am just hoping we have a good school year!
I couldn't resist some more rhyming.
I'm sharing at:
Labels: Gifts, paper crafts, school stuff