I have always brought my kids' teacher a sweet treat on the first day. It is a shameless way to say, "hi, please take good care of my sweetie while I am away from her all day." This year I had a bee in my bonnet to use a bus cookie cutter that I had never used. I called my sister over and we busted out lots of apples and buses to give to all the teachers. I also sent the office staff and principal some apples because it can't hurt if I am a familiar face to them.

I have a lot of fun decorating sugar cookies with royal icing. You know, the kind that is really smooth and hardens after a few hours. Here's the recipe I use for royal icing:
2 lbs. powdered sugar
6 Tbsp. meringue powder
(sift together)
12 Tbsp. water
1 tsp. vanilla (use clear vanilla for really white frosting)
1 tsp. lemon extract
mix well
add more water 1 tsp. at a time to make it thinner.
I make a thick and thin of each color for the border and filling.
I put them in those clear bottles people use for decorating chocolates.
Thanks Kass (Kathryn) for humoring me and having a cookie night right before that busy back to school morning.
-AshleighLabels: decorated cookies, school stuff