But I want to introduce my latest love to you, my home laminator.
No, laminating is nothing new, but having a laminator at home, at my beckon call is like a dream come true. I found this little baby at Costco, and it was soooo inexpensive. I knew that if I took my recently printed ABC book to the office supply store, it would cost twice as much to laminate than it would to buy this laminator and 100 refills. It was worth it just for this one project.
I found this darling ABC printable series on pinterest. I love free printable downloads!
Here is a link if you want to print them out too. My little buddy has been practicing up for preschool! And the new dry erase crayons work like a dream. They erase with zero residue, promise it's true.
I made a personalized cover, laminated, then had it spiral bound for a couple dollars. I don't have my own binding system, but there is always Christmas!
I think laminating is in my genetics, because my mom was a teacher and loved to laminate everything. She made cute little books for her class and her grandkids. We now treasure some of those homemade books from Grammy.
I too have made some laminated books for my kids over the years. They have been well loved, meaning some of them are in shreds. But I would simply use pictures and low profile scrapbook supplies to create a little quiet book for them. One of my daughter's favorites was when my sis took pictures of her in all different princess dress-ups. She loved looking at these pictures so much, I had to preserve it in a little book.
So the laminating love has resurfaced and I just can't help myself! I made a little name tag for my daughter's flute. Watch out luggage, you're next! haha!
I laminated the soccer game and snack schedule. This way it's easy to tape to a cabinet or wall.
Speaking of inside cabinet doors... I laminated my "Laundry and Stain Removal Tips" from Martha and now they are easily accessible in the laundry room. My precious laminating can protect against humidity too. Martha would approve.
I hot glued a little clip onto laminated papers and made name tags. So sa-weet!
I also made a new, updated version of my baptism book that I posted about way back when. The front and back are laminated and now it is all spiral bound. Same content though. Nothing new there.
And when I love something this much, I spread the word! I forced one on my sister and told her that she really needs it, and she just didn't know it yet! And she has put it to good use!
Look at these adorable chore charts she made. They use dry erase pens with them.
She made cute backpack tags for her kids.
And she made this darling little flip book as a gift for my daughter on her baptism day. Cute words on the front, and pictures on the back. It fits right in with her scriptures!
You would think at this point, that I have been paid by laminator makers of America, but no, I'm just easily excited by things like this. If I'm going to use the ink to print it, I want to hang onto it for a while. Laminating is a perfect way to preserve things.
If only I could laminate my kids and stop them from growing up. No, the laminating has to stop at some point. It won't work for all of my projects, but many of my paper projects are sure to have a shiny, dazzling new plastic coating! Just sharing the love...