It is true what they say...
TIme flies when you're having fun.
I really am having fun, enjoying my life, my family, my projects and sharing them with you. (Whoever may be looking???)
So here's the new year's sugar cookie making session!
I saw these snow globe cookies on Martha and with my daughter's love for snow globes,
I knew we would have to try this.
Only Christmas is over, so we made a slightly different scene in our snow globes.
I made some clocks striking midnight, some countdown cookies, lots of snow globes, and then the genius friend was making these with said that this shape would also make a cute gum ball machine cookie. (I cut the shape from a paper template I downloaded off Martha's site. I don't have a cookie cuter like this.) I don't know what I'll ever need a gum ball machine cookie for, but when I do, I will know how to make them. My huge sprinkles did the trick.
And the girls would not eat their works of art until I took a picture of them.
They love it when their creations make the blog!
So, I'm ready to kick this new year off with something exciting, like Kass having her baby any minute now!
I can't wait to meet my new nephew.
I'm looking forward to the rejuvenation, organization and motivation that a new year brings!
Happy New Year!Labels: decorated cookies, new year's