One of my endearing/annoying personality traits to my poor enduring hubby is that I can be a hoarder.
Not the kind where small children go missing in my piles of junk, just the kind where I feel the need to save random things.
He has patiently waited out the box of lace phase, is currently enduring the soda can pop tops phase, and everytime we clean out the garage has lovingly asked why I have 3 years of old jeans in that corner.
Well people, I have redeemed least with the denim.
Not just one denim quilt, but two.
No applause necessary.

I needed some cool, manly bedding to match the snowboarder mural Ashleigh and I painted. Here is my cool, not manly baby catching his 3 minutes of fame in my picture.

First, save jeans for 3 years. Or go to the thrift store and make your garage happier. It took less than I thought, about 8 pair of jeans per twin size quilt. But, I also used half flannel so you can adjust accordingly.
I snipped with scissors at the ankle side of either side of the seam and then ripped the pant up near the top. Then cut across the pant where you bend at the hip. I didn't want to add the part of jeans with pockets on mine but you totally could. I also left the seam on a few strips to mix it up a little bit. I ended up with lots of strips of jeans.

Then I trimmed each piece of denim to between 3 and 8 inches wide and cut a strip of flannel the same width. I sewed them short edges together to make a long strip at least 60 inches long. Some were just denim on one side, flannel on the other. Some I put the denim in the middle and flannel on either side, and vice versa. Just random, my style.

When I had a bunch done I laid them out on the floor to find the pattern I liked. Making sure light and dark denim was balanced and the was dispersed with the flannel looking good.

And sewed them together one by one.

I pieced it together until it was 90 inches long. Put the batting in between the top and a layer of flannel. I decided to try stitch in the ditch to quilt it. I turned to my handy quilting teacher You Tube to learn how. Basically stitch right along the seam so hopefully it doesn't show.

I put the binding on it and then made another quilt the same. I planned to put different flannel on the back to easily differentiate whose blanket it was but I had a little math calculating problem and had to use the same. So, I at least put a little tag on the binding of each quilt so the boys can tell them apart.

The boys love them and I am hoping they love them forever.
Sorry honey, but I still can't get rid of the pile of jeans because now I have some plans for denim purses. :)
Linking up to It's Fun to Craft, Tidy Mom, Finding Fabulous And Fingerprints on the FridgeLabels: kids' room projects, quilts and pillows