Primary Tidbits

I currently serve in the Primary at my church. This is the organization for the kids ages 3-11.
I love it, love it, love it!

I often do a project or two, or ten, relating to to Primary.
I can't begin to tell you how many times I've searched the internet for ideas and
I thought it was about time I share/ recycle the ones I am using.

First up was some new binder covers for the teachers and leaders.
Very simple. I used the "hello teacher" digital kit from house of 3 for the kids.
The rest was just a few blocks of color. Sorry about the smudge, for privacy reasons.
binder covers
Next up, I planned the annual "meet your teacher breakfast" activity.
These are the reminder handouts. I like to make them into necklaces so they won't lose
them before they get home and show them to their parents.

breakfast tag

While they were arriving, they colored a paper doll of them and their teacher.
The theme was that their teachers are here to serve them, so they did.
Each class had a table and their teacher was their waiter/waitress.
They took their order from this little menu.

For the rest of the activity, they broke up into classes and did some get-to know things.
Then we returned and played a relay game. In the game they had to carry balloons on a
huge serving tray across the gym into a trash bin.
The balloons flew off if they went too fast or if they didn't balance the tray. It was crazy but the kids loved it.

Here is this year's new spotlight gift. Each week we spotlight a child and learn more about them.
We wrapped up a miniature flashlight (from oriental trading) and put on this little poem.
They get this little token to take home after they are featured.
I can't take credit for the idea, but I still wanted to pass it along.

We recently had our "great to be eight" fireside and I thought these cupcakes turned out cute.
They were a collaborative effort and this cupcake stand I got at Costco really made them fabulous!

I also made these little baptism memory books for the kids. Again I used digital elements from house of 3.
For the content, I copied it. I just made it into a small book instead of printing it on regular paper.
In the back there is a pocket for their little bookmark and things.
baptism book
